Help with Dynamic History Tags

You can see me trying to build a tag path with parameters there in the expression field since there is no option to do an indirect tag binding in the tag history tab. I have tried everything I can think of regarding syntax for this and read what I can find in the docs about history tags but nothing seams to apply to this. I just want to show different data in my chart depending what you clicked on to get the popup it's displayed in. I know the parameters work fine as I have them bound to labels for example in the popup. But I can't seam to get the history tag path to work. I feel like I'm missing something here. Any help would be great.

There is a very specific format requirement for "Expression", which can only be satisfied with a separate custom property (out of the box). That custom property must be an array of objects with specific keys. The expression in the binding would be just a curly-brace property reference.

If you have my Integration Toolkit module, you can build the proper structure right there in the binding. Like so, fwiw:

		'path', concat(
		'alias', "POWER",
		'aggregate', 'Average'
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This is the User Manual page for the Tag History Binding - Expression requirements, it is not clear in the designer how strict it is, I'd recommend watching the IU video to see a quick example: