I obviously have an error in my expression binding but am I struggling to figure out where. Would appreciate a second set of more seasoned eyes.
You can see the error detail if you hover over the error message in the bottom left corner.
I suspect it is caused by the capitalisation of the tag()
expression function.
Also, consider using a tag binding to a custom property and then using those custom properties in your expression binding. Easier to troubleshoot and I believe also more performant than tag()
First off thanks for the help, I was not aware of the hover feature so much appreciated. Secondly in theory I understand how to tag bind to a custom property but I guess I'm not sure how and where to implement it here. Could you possibly provide a little more detail on this.
First, create some custom properties, one for each of those tags you reference:
Perspective Component Properties - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation (inductiveautomation.com)
Bind each to the required tag, using your tag path expression:
Tag Bindings in Perspective - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation (inductiveautomation.com)
Then, rather use these custom properties in your style binding shown above:
Expression Bindings in Perspective - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation (inductiveautomation.com)