Help with SQL and PIVOT commands

Basically I have a table that consists of data Like:

 Line               timestamp               AttrName              AttrValue
33601        2015-01-01 10:30:00           Bolt 1                0.05
33601        2015-01-01 10:30:00           Bolt 2                0.06
33601        2015-01-01 10:30:00           Bolt 3                0.05
33601        2015-01-01 10:30:00           Bolt 21              0.07

I got the Pivot down, but it comes out like this:

Line                 timestamp                  Bolt 1                Bolt 2            Bolt 3    .....     Bolt 21
33601        2015-01-01 10:30:00                0.05
33601        2015-01-01 10:30:00                                     0.06 
33601        2015-01-01 10:30:00                                                          0.05
33601        2015-01-01 10:30:00                                                                              0.07

What I want is:

Line                 timestamp            Bolt 1                  Bolt 2                 Bolt 3     ......      Bolt 21
33601        2015-01-01 10:30:00          0.05                    0.06                   0.05                   0.07
33601        2015-01-01 10:31:23          0.04                    0.06                   0.04                   0.05

Code Below… I think I am missing a Group function somewhere???

		SELECT M.Line,
		CAST(S.AttrValue AS float(3)) AS fixValue, 
		CAST(substring(S.AttrName, 15, 3) AS INT) AS ATR_Index 
			FROM QUAL_SampleData S  
			ON S.SampleUUID = M.SampleUUID 
			WHERE S.TimeStamp > '{Root Container.Date Range.startDate}' 
				AND S.TimeStamp < '{Root Container.Date Range.endDate}' 
				AND S.AttrName LIKE 'Thickness%' 
				AND MeasNo = '1' AND AttrValue < '1' 
) DataTable
		FOR AttrName
		IN (
		[Thickness Bolt 1],[Thickness Bolt 2],[Thickness Bolt 3],[Thickness Bolt 4],[Thickness Bolt 5],[Thickness Bolt 6],
		[Thickness Bolt 7],[Thickness Bolt 8],[Thickness Bolt 9],[Thickness Bolt 10],[Thickness Bolt 11],[Thickness Bolt 12],
		[Thickness Bolt 13],[Thickness Bolt 14],[Thickness Bolt 15],[Thickness Bolt 16],[Thickness Bolt 17],[Thickness Bolt 18],
		[Thickness Bolt 19],[Thickness Bolt 20],[Thickness Bolt 21]
) PivotTable

ORDER BY timestamp ASC, ATR_Index ASC

You can try using CTEs and joining if your database supports them. Simplified version (PostgreSQL):

b1 AS
(SELECT time_stamp, attrvalue as “Bolt 1”
FROM test_table
WHERE attrname = ‘Bolt 1’
AND time_stamp BETWEEN {ts1} AND {ts2}),
b2 AS
(SELECT time_stamp, attrvalue as “Bolt 2”
FROM test_table
WHERE attrname = ‘Bolt 2’
AND time_stamp BETWEEN {ts1} AND {ts2}),
b3 AS
(SELECT time_stamp, attrvalue as “Bolt 3”
FROM test_table
WHERE attrname = ‘Bolt 3’
AND time_stamp BETWEEN {ts1} AND {ts2})

SELECT b1.time_stamp as ts, b1.“bolt 1”, b2.“bolt 2”, b3.“bolt 3”
FULL OUTER JOIN b2 ON (b1.time_stamp = b2.time_stamp)
FULL OUTER JOIN b3 ON (b2.time_stamp = b3.time_stamp)[/code]

Assuming for each timestamp, there is an entry for each bolt, this should work. If not, you can coalesce all the timestamp columns to make sure nothing is missing.