Histogram in XY Chart

Hi Team,

I am currently facing an issue where I am unable to generate the histogram correctly. Could anyone please guide me on what mistakes I might have made

please find the attached chart

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Thanks in advance

How do you want it to look? Which fields are supposed to be on the X and Y axes?


Thanks for the reply

i need it to look like this

It seems to be accurately plotting the data you gave it. Turn on the bullets to see the datapoints.
series.0.line.appearance.bullets.enabled : true

datasources.example "num" field is increasing linearly except for the last value.

Hi ,

I think I mistakenly assigned the wrong series values for the 'line' component. It should be adjusted to align with my expectations. Specifically, I need to develop a histogram chart with 'bar' and 'line' values.

Thank you

Still not clear.

  1. Are the X-axis and it's labels correct on your original post?
  2. What do 'line', 'bar' and 'num' represent?

Can you do an Excel mockup and screengrab showing the columns of data and a chart?

hi ,
Sorry for the oversight
I have to draw a histogram chart with sample data. Consider 'mykey' as the values for the curve line and 'myval' for the bars in the chart

[{u'normdata': u'0', u'mykey': u'19.118', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'0', u'mykey': u'19.14', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'0', u'mykey': u'19.162', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'2', u'mykey': u'19.184', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'27', u'mykey': u'19.206', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'214', u'mykey': u'19.228', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'963', u'mykey': u'19.25', u'myval': u' 14'}, {u'normdata': u'2430', u'mykey': u'19.272', u'myval': u' 14'}, {u'normdata': u'3439', u'mykey': u'19.294', u'myval': u' 4'}, {u'normdata': u'2728', u'mykey': u'19.316', u'myval': u' 15'}, {u'normdata': u'1213', u'mykey': u'19.338', u'myval': u' 3'}, {u'normdata': u'303', u'mykey': u'19.36', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'42', u'mykey': u'19.382', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'3', u'mykey': u'19.404', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'0', u'mykey': u'19.426', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'0', u'mykey': u'19.448', u'myval': u'0'}, {u'normdata': u'0', u'mykey': u'19.47', u'myval': u'0'}]

my expected chart with above data

The data you have provided is a bit strange. I had to remove all the "unicode" ('u') prefixes before pasting it in. Also, all the values are being returned as strings - some with leading spaces - instead of numbers. That suggests that there is something wrong with the binding.

example JSON
    "normdata": 0,
    "mykey": 19.118,
    "myval": 0
    "normdata": 0,
    "mykey": 19.14,
    "myval": 0
    "normdata": 0,
    "mykey": 19.162,
    "myval": 0
    "normdata": 2,
    "mykey": 19.184,
    "myval": 0
    "normdata": 27,
    "mykey": 19.206,
    "myval": 0
    "normdata": 214,
    "mykey": 19.228,
    "myval": 0
    "normdata": 963,
    "mykey": 19.25,
    "myval": 14
    "normdata": 2430,
    "mykey": 19.272,
    "myval": 14
    "normdata": 3439,
    "mykey": 19.294,
    "myval": 4
    "normdata": 2728,
    "mykey": 19.316,
    "myval": 15
    "normdata": 1213,
    "mykey": 19.338,
    "myval": 3
    "normdata": 303,
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    "myval": 0
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    "mykey": 19.382,
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    "mykey": 19.426,
    "myval": 0
    "normdata": 0,
    "mykey": 19.448,
    "myval": 0
    "normdata": 0,
    "mykey": 19.47,
    "myval": 0
XY Chart JSON with example JSON
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The result.

See the AM Charts documentation on smoothing lines for more on that.

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Thank you for your valuable time.

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