Historian is not returning all raw data

I am trying to return the raw data from the historian and plot it on a chart. I am not getting all of the data points that exist in the table. I also tried System.Tag.QueryTagHistory and got the same results. What would cause the historian to omit data?

Ignition 8.1.28

Show your code. But some requirements to cleanly get historian data "As Stored" via system.tag.queryTagHistory():

  • Use returnSize = -1

  • Omit aggregationMode

  • Use returnFormat = 'Tall'

1 Like

Phil - Thanks for the response. I didn't save my earlier code attempts, but here is a retry:

Tags = ['melting/furnace5/fulltiltcycletime']
EndDate = system.date.now()
StartDate = system.date.addDays(EndDate,-14)
print StartDate

ds = system.tag.queryTagHistory(paths=Tags, startDate=StartDate, endDate=EndDate, returnSize=-1,returnFormat='Tall')
print system.dataset.toCSV(ds)


Mon Feb 05 14:01:55 EST 2024

Hi, d. Please see Wiki - how to post code on this forum. It's especially important for Python / Jython.

All your results are showing up as quotations of quotations of quotations (with nothing actually quoted) so you've got something wrong in your post. (Quotation markdown syntax is >.) Can you edit your previous post (pencil icon) and fix it? Thanks.

Use the Preview pane to check your posts before posting.

How are you determining there is missing data, solely based on what you see in a chart or table? If so, data can interpolated, so what you see in a table or chart might not be what is actually stored in the historian database.

Thanks for the info.

I am directly querying the SQL tables. I should be getting 80+ records for that tagpath.

May I ask how you are determining you should have 80+ records?

I run this query to get the TagIDs:

select * from sqlth_te
where tagpath = 'melting/furnace5/fulltiltcycletime'

It returns two entries: 29448, 29474

Then I run this query to get the data.

select *, dateadd(second,t_stamp/1000,'1970-01-01')
from sqlt_data_3_2024_02
where tagid in (29448, 29474)
order by t_stamp

Pretty sure you need the tag provider there.

Good Catch. I guess I am used to SQL queries. I modified my code to include the provider and now I get 2 out of 80+ expected records

Tags = ['[OMA]melting/furnace5/fulltiltcycletime']
EndDate = system.date.now()
StartDate = system.date.addDays(EndDate,-14)
print StartDate

ds = system.tag.queryTagHistory(paths=Tags, startDate=StartDate, endDate=EndDate, returnSize=-1,returnFormat='Tall')
print system.dataset.toCSV(ds)

I thought historian only used a single ID? For both IDs, is the retired column column null?

Retired is null for both TagIDs

I didn't think historian could use multiple IDs like that, perhaps someone else with more knowledge can verify.

We did a reboot at patch time and this seemed to fix the issue. Still don't know the root cause.