
Hi everybody,

I have problems with an Ignition Edge 8.1.28 and an Ignition Standard 8.1.38 version, they are on a hub&spoke architecture.
The Standar Ignition has more Ignition Edges under its gateway network,and all of them are working rightly but with this one we have synchronization problems. In the logs from Ignition Edge I see the next message: "HistorianSyncable 10Apr2024 18:26:46 Remote historian sink isn't accepting data at this time. Likely that the remote gateway is unavailable."
The store and foreward is like this.

The database is AURORA RDS MySQL.
Any idea?
The problem is only with the edge historian data not with alarms and audit.
I ´ve reseted many times the sync edge historian data but without successfully results.

I ´ve reseted the gateway network connection too.
I´ve tryied to create another dababase synchronization with a new database but with the same result, in this case the system doesn´t create the tables.
I have checked the service security and database with query&storage.
I think we are going to lose data but ...

Thank you very much.

You almost certainly need support looking at your environment. This forum is not support. You should open a support ticket.

Thank you very much.

Replying for anywone else who may have had this issue - I tried many of the steps above (and more) with no help. The last thing I did was to restart the Edge gateway CPU. This finally resolved the "historian sink isn't accepting data" issue for me.

I am having the same issue. It just stopped working...Everything is green and connected, but I am getting that same message. Restarting both gateways did not resolve my issue.