I have a tag set for discrete 10 seconds periodic with historical deadband of 0.01.
The engineering range is 0 to 100.
For some reason when the tag should be reading 0.009... it is instead reading 0.004926....
Expression on the tag is (156581-155250)/156581 at this interval in time.
I went to check the historical value of the tag, the values shown as 0 in the adhoc tends.
I checked the historian, and I don't have a value of 0.009. So I think my deadband is too high?
I think it is the deadband, I think I am set.
I had grabbed the wrong tagid, but I think I am going to replace the historian query with a regular query since it is an end of shift time. I am not sure what happened that I got a 0.004926... at 6:59am.
I had done cast(dateadd(second,t_stamp/1000,'1971-1-1') as datetime) as test
to check the dates.
(should have been 1970)
Maybe is off by some gmt factor?
I thought the historian used gateway time that is set to my local time though.