How can I change view for buttons that make us go to the same view (title not clear at all sorry but you might understand what I mean)

Hey !

I have a view that is like this
So I have 3 buttons as you can see.
All of those buttons take us to the view bellow.

Then this view

and finally a view with a power chart.

All I want is that depending on the buttons I click, data in the power chart are different.

Thx for your help.

How can a button take you to three different views?

Do you mean, “The first button loads the first view, the second button loads the second view and the third button loads the third view”?

  • Right-click on the button.
  • Select Configure Events.
  • Select onClick.
  • Hit +. Add a Navigation event.
  • Select the View radio button and select the view you want from the dropdown.

with view params and url params i guess?