How can i display multiple trend in same hour range but in different days in vision

how can i display multiple trend in same hour range but in different days in vision

You’ll need to use the Chart component (not the Easy Chart) and create the chart dataset yourself via script.

To elaborate a bit on what @nminchin said, you'll actually need to create a chart with two domain axis and two datasets.

The title of this thread wouldn't make it obvious but what you need is actually covered here.

I guess it depends if the dates for the previous weeks need to be known. It was in my mind that these will be used for comparisons between weeks, so as long as the data for each week is shown within the same week day periods, it doesn’t really matter which dates you show. In this case I would show dates for the latest week and add weeks to the previous weeks’ data to get them to the latest week, if that makes sense… Then the legend would tell you which week the data was for