Hello, I am new to this industry and ignition. The studio 5000 project has thousands of tags inside of several programs within the project. I need to get the tags into ignition so I can start developing with them. I have tried the Logix L5K Parser but it only picked up a few UDTs and no other tags. I tried exporting the tags as a csv file but ignition gave me the following error Tag errors occurred during tag import Error_Exception("Error importing tags: Unknown CSV Format"). I have tried using softlogix and studio 5000 emulate to possibly bring the tags in that way but failed. Is there any other way I am missing here?
Thank you.
Rockwell plc support browsing, you can easily browse into you plc and select the tags you want.
Oh sorry I forgot to mention I did not have access to the PLC. but I realized that I saved my file as a ACD not a L5K so I thing I am good. Thanks for the fast response!
Simply dragging in tags from the plc is never a good answer though. You should create a logical folder structure in the ignition tag browser and use UDTs for templated tags so that you can create sensible views and facilitate better options
Since you have the ACD, and hopefully a copy of Studio 5000 to open it, you might find this helpful:
Thank you for the advice! I am trying to work through this thread but I think some of the option in ignition have changed. I cant find Ethernet/IP Class1 Host Device in the menu. Do you have this for the latest version of ignition?
Oh I see you addressed this in the thread