How can i uses this script from igniton v 7.9 to ignition 8.1 to load recipe

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def loadRecipe(recipe):
	# Setup the command
	cmd = 'AE LoadSetup,' + recipe
	# Send the load request
	log.debugf('Issue recipe load for %s', recipe)
	resp = project.rasco.serial.sendCmd(cmd)
	return resp
def sendCmd(command):

	# Open Serial	
		log.warnf('Unable to open RS232 connection on %s', port)
		return False

	command = start + command + end
	log.trace('Wrote hello to RS232')
		x = system.serial.readUntil(port,ready,False)
		log.trace('Received ready from RS232')
		log.tracef('Wrote %s to RS232', command)	
		x = system.serial.readUntil(port,hello,False)
		log.trace('Received hello from RS232')
		log.trace('Wrote ready to RS232')
		resp = system.serial.readUntil(port,end,False)
		resp = "".join([i for i in resp if ord(i) in range(32, 127)])
		log.warnf('Failed to execute %s to RS232', command)
		return False
	log.debugf('Executed %s to RS232', command)
	# Close serial
	return resp

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Consider removing (at least temporarily) those try / except clauses to see what it is that's breaking. If the resulting exception isn't obvious, post it here, and perhaps we can interpret it for you.

A few things about this code though:

  1. it uses variables that are not defined there (start, end...).
    It doesn't mean it will not work, they might be globals. It means you need to be extra careful with them.
  2. did you define the close and open functions ?
    I'd advise not to do that, as they're built-in python functions. Try not to overwrite built-in stuff.
  3. I'd also suggest using close in a finally clause, if there's no context manager for open.
  4. It seems you're returning a string in case of success, and False in case of error.
    I suggest you avoid mixing types, and return None instead in case of error.
    Or, if the calling function needs to know an error happened... let it handle the exceptions.
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