How do I display a template/view in a Marker popup in the Map component?

I'm trying to import a template or another view into a marker popup as it is described at the end this video:

I've added a view property inside both the marker and the popup's properties and added the path to my template inside, but it's only using what's in the text property. Is there something I should be doing instead?

Additional info: I'm doing this on a GeoJSON map layer.

In reading the documentation on the GeoJSON portion of the map component, it looks like it only supports text popups and not views like the UI section does. Someone else may chime in with more knowledge on this, but that would be my guess is that it's not possible with GeoJSON.


I've always put views on maps using the UI section as Michael says.

Another fun trick you may be interested in...

You can modify this property "layers.raster.tile[0].url" to make it display from a photographic map source. By default this property is "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"

Here's an example of a URL for a photographic geo map: "{z}/{y}/{x}"

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