How do I get a dictionary into "editAlarmConfig"?

I am updating tag alarm properties in code. I was using the following code to update tag alarms. Everything was working great!

        #Get property name to Change
	PropertyName = "NewProperty"
	#Get property Value to Change
	PropertyValue = event.source.parent.getComponent("txtCustomProperty").text

	#Create Alarm configuration 
	alarmConfig = {AlarmName:[[PropertyName,"Value",PropertyValue]]}
	editTagPath = [tagPath]
	#Edit alarm configuration

But there is a problem when I run this code with DataType Instance Tags. [color=#FF0040]This code will create/edit the “NewProperty” name and value, but it wipes out the existing alarm names and values. [/color]

So I need to make a work-around for this in which it doesn’t wipe out the other properties. I thought, “I should make a dictionary of the existing alarm properties and values, add my new customer property and value to it, and send that into the ‘editAlarmConfig’ function.”

But I have hit a bump: I made a dictionary of Alarm Properties and the Alarm Values. I can’t seem to figure out how to get this dictionary into the editAlarmConfig Function. I feel like I am fitting a square peg into a round hole.

The PropertyDictionary consists of PropertyName = Property Value keyed pairs.

        alarmConfig = {AlarmName:PropertyDictionary}
	editTagPath = [tagPath]
	#Edit alarm configuration