I managed to get the counts of my data into memory tags. Now I am trying to get those memory tags into a dataset to use in a chart and basically make a pareto out of the dataset.
I currently have this on the property change event for the chart.
bloCnt = system.tag.read(“TouchupCounts/blowthroughCountVal”).value
lenCnt = system.tag.read(“TouchupCounts/lengthCountVal”).value
ntuCnt = system.tag.read(“TouchupCounts/notouchupCountVal”).value
offCnt = system.tag.read(“TouchupCounts/offlocationCountVal”).value
othCnt = system.tag.read(“TouchupCounts/otherCountVal”).value
porCnt = system.tag.read(“TouchupCounts/porosityCountVal”).value
headers = [“Blow Through”, “Length”, “No Touch Up”, “Off Location”, “Other”, “Porosity”]
data = []
countDs = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers,data)
/* commented out currently
pds = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(countDs)
for row in pds:
_ for value in row:_
_ print value_
_ _
event.source.pythonDataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(pds)
for row in range(countDs.rowCount):
for col in range(countDs.columnCount):
print data.getValueAt(row, col)
event.source.pythonDataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(countDs)
I would like to have it clear the dataset values each time the tag values change as well. I’m kind of confused on how to call this into the dataset on the chart though.
You have been a great help so far I’m just really new to ignition myself.