How do I take JSON and create a View?

If someone shares the JSON of a view they create, how do I create a view in the Designer from that JSON? I tried to copy the JSON into an empty, newly created view export, then zip the file and import it, but nothing shows up in the Designer.

So I tried again, and this is what I see:

I even renamed the incoming import, but it still does not show.

This is the empty View I pasted the new code into:

  "custom": {},
  "params": {},
  "props": {},
  "root": {
    "meta": {
      "name": "root"
    "props": {
      "direction": "column"
    "type": "ia.container.flex"

The new code I got from Phil's Integration Toolkit page.

Appreciate the help.

With your JSON copied, and on your blank view, shift+right click on the view in the project browser and you should get an option to 'paste JSON.'


Thank Iggy!

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