I am struggling to explain how this logic works in a report key. For reference, I am coming into a project to make some updates, but I have never run into the idea of implementing logic in a report key before. If anyone could point me to a docs page or some other resources for understanding this, I would appreciate it.
Here is the key value originally:
@RunHrs_Daily[24].EFFLUENT_SUMP_P1_HM < RunHrs_Daily[0].EFFLUENT_SUMP_P1_HM? (RunHrs_Daily.max.EFFLUENT_SUMP_P1_HM - RunHrs_Daily[0].EFFLUENT_SUMP_P1_HM + RunHrs_Daily[24].EFFLUENT_SUMP_P1_HM): (RunHrs_Daily[24].EFFLUENT_SUMP_P1_HM - RunHrs_Daily[0].EFFLUENT_SUMP_P1_HM)@
I am guessing that I would read like this if parsed into a python query, but I really don't know.
If 24hrs_ago < now:
max - now + 24hrs_ago
24hrs_ago – now
Thanks in advance for your help,