How to Automatically Update Devices in Ignition SCADA's Devices Folder?

Hi Ignition Community,

I’m working with Modbus devices in Ignition SCADA and I need to automate the process of updating the Devices folder in the Designer. Specifically, I want to:

  1. Automatically detect and reflect any new devices added to the Gateway in the Devices folder(took it from OPC Browser).
  2. What’s the best way to ensure these new devices are automatically updated and visible in the Devices folder of the Designer without manual intervention?

There is no such way. Just click the refresh icon in the OPC browser whenever you open it.

Thank you for your reply

Also, if you're trying to browse modbus devices, that means you're probably using the mapping feature which isnt' really the best way of going about using Modbus. In your OPC tags, it's better to direclty reference the registers using the modbus addressing format.

For example:

40001 (int) = "ns=1;s=[DeviceName]HR1"
40035 (float) = "ns=1;s=[DeviceName]HRF35"

See: Modbus Addressing | Ignition User Manual


Well, they could be using my alternate driver, which does show possible addresses in the OPC browser...