In v7.9 I had a script that would browse my data types and make an instance of each in a folder.
In v8 that script doesn’t work any more. I think the problem is a tag.browseTags that fails:
system.tag.browseTags(parentPath="[underscore]types[underscore]/ObjectTypes", recursive=1)
(Typing underscore around a word here apperently italizes it)
In v8 this browseTag call returns an empty array.
Does anyone know how to browse the ‘Data Types’ folder?
browseTags has been replaced with browse
This should get you started
tags = system.tag.browse( '[default]_types_' )
print 'tags',type(tags)
for tag in tags.getResults():
print type(tag), tag
Since getResults() returns a dictionary it’s much easier to find what you’re interested in and use additional system.tag.browse commands to examine each individual UDT or individual tag as needed.