This hover-over label is incorrect on my SCADA. Not terribly experienced in Ignition Designer, but how would one go about altering?
This really depends, are you using Vision or Perspective? Also, what component are you hovering over?
Example, in Vision, if I draw a rectangle, I can enter text into the Mouseover Text
property. So, when I hover, that text will be displayed. In Perspective, if I place a label component, then the property is under META --> tooltip --> text (you also have to enable the tooltip).
The more information you can include, the better help you can get.
Ignition has great online docs, Welcome - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation
It would be Vision. I'm hovering over the conveyor bed right above the text.
Then that's what you click on in the designer to find the component representing the conveyor. Possibly then drilling down into grouped components. Then look at the mouse-over text property of that component.
Would this be on the LH side under "Vision Property Editor"?
Yes. And you really need to spend some time on the free Inductive University.
Going through that now. Thanks!