How to change series color in TimeSeries chart?

I don't know why I can't seem to find how to change the colors for the series on a Time Series Chart... The docs don't seem to mention anything about it and I'm not seeing any threads (searching "timeseries") in the first few pages.

Also, the docs don't say anything about what the defaultStyles.color prop does.

Your help is appreciated!

Under Default styles, Colors, click Add Array Element
Then you enter the color in the added element.
Add an element for each series and set the colors.

So then how do I set the color of each series? the three I have on the graph all changed to the first color.

As I said, add another array element for each series.


the series does not like additional elements:

Neither does trends.

It isn't under the series, it is under Default Styles on the chart.

Yes, I got that.

But all the lines on the graph changed to red. No blue or green. That's what I don't understand to do next. I tried adding a value and array element to series and trends, but that does not work.

Can you share a screen shot of how you have the series setup?




@mdemaris Did you find a resolution to this? I'm struggling with this as well. I have several series I need to display on one chart and I can't figure out how to set separate colors for each so that the chart is legible.

Unfortunately, Jeremy, I have not. I jumped off this project for a while.