Looking for a way to clone an Ignition application to setup new projects were almost everything is the same but the names.
You get a warning if you try to change the Gateway name. I guess you have the same issues if you do it on a Gateway restore?
It is not recommended to change the Gateway's System Name after initial gateway setup. Renaming your Gateway may break critical dependencies, affect data collection, and halt production. To see a list of features dependent on the Gateway name, click here.
Not sure if all of these need to be unique but they currently are. They are based on the building application is monitoring. I'm sure I'm missing some but here are the main ones.
Windows Server Device Name
"B1DEVO1-Ignition" to "B2DEVO1-Ignition"
MS SQL Database, I think this one could be generic
"B1DEVO1" to "B2DEVO1"
Databases Connections
"B1DEVO1_SQLServer" to "B1DEVO1_SQLServer"
Then the 'Extra Connection Properties' should change to "databaseName=B2DEVO1"
Similar for OPC Connections.
For option 1, I was thinking I'd clone the VM and then change:
The Windows Server name.
The Gateway name.
The MS SQL Database name.
The Databases Connections name or just the 'Extra Connection Properties'.
The OPC Connections names and descriptions.
Option 2
Setup a new VM and install everything like any new build but with the new name. It would take longer to install the software and I think I'd still have an issue restoring the Gateway with a new name? I could just export the application but then I'd not have the gateway tags, data sources, device connections, history configuration and so on.
Just found some info here: Cloning a VM