How to convert an int to a date type Year Week number?

i want to convert int to the year week number.
i am ploting result of a query that contain [“YearWeek”,“Performance”] as columns , in timeSeries Chart,
but the YearWeek column has an int type in the database , so it result an error when ploting because no time column.

thank you

Use the XY chart, rather than the time series chart?

In theory, with, the w format code, and probably at least the known year, you could turn a week number into an actual date object, but it’s probably not actually necessary or helpful to do so.


thank you for your response,

Use the XY chart, rather than the time series chart?

XY chart dosn't plot it like i need , it gives me this for more then two columns:

and in some case i have more than 10 columns , i don't know how to stacke them (i checked " stacked" for each serie )

you could turn a week number into an actual date object,

yes i have the year too, so that's what i did for now.
my dataset is from a query response.

XY Stacked Bar Chart
this helped me a lot to figure out how stack the columns