How to create a dynamic Timeseries chart?

Hello, I need to create a report that includes a dynamic Timeseries chart (by default, it doesn’t know what it should display). I’ve already reviewed several forum discussions and explored aspects of the JFreeChart API, but I haven’t made any progress. I’d like to know if this is possible, and if it is, I’d appreciate it if someone could provide an example.

I’m working with Ignition version 8.1.37 and Reporting Module version 6.1.37 (Trial).

Thank you in advance

It involves a non-trivial amount of scripting, because you have to do with scripting all the Ignition -> JFreeChart stuff that we're automatically doing for you "under the hood", but it is possible.
This thread is probably a reasonable starting point:

Thank you for your quick answer! I’ll check it right now