How to create a schema for ignition exchange resource

Hello, I am trying to import an ignition exchange resource

I have the project in my designer and it opens, but I am on the database step on the instructions and I am confused on what to do

So when creating a MySQL schema can I do this in the sample database offered by ignition? or do I need create my own database in another environment and import the bms-data.sql file.

Thank You

Hi Myasrama,

For the database step, you will need to have MySQL installed (can be on a separate machine or on the same machine that Ignition is installed on), then you can create a schema in the MySQL db called 'bms', import the bms-data.sql file, and then connect Ignition to the 'bms' schema. The name of the Ignition database connection should be BMS.

We updated the Database Instructions for this resource to make this step more clear. Also, for Exchange inquiries like this, we encourage users to click the Contact the Developer button on the resource.

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