How to create three needles in a single gauge in ignition designer

In a gauge there need to be three needles how can we achieve that?

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I want to use simple gauge component and i need three needles for the outer axis is it possible
Screenshot (120)

The Simple Gauge component doesn't have a needle.
Do you mean the Gauge component?

Screenshot (121)

Design a custom component for the gauge with three needle elements. Use scripting to control the position and rotation of each needle based on your data or requirements. Bind the data source to each needle to ensure they accurately reflect the values you want to display and from the official website you can get more detail information about this.

  • Create a Coordinate view.
  • Drop three Gauge components onto the view. Offset them initially while you set them up. Later you will move them all to the same origin.
  • Create parameters on the view for minValue, maxValue, gaugeValue0, gaugeValue1, gaugeValue2.
  • On the view ā†’ Perspective Property Editor ā†’ PARAMS, create an array property "ranges". On the chart component select ranges, right-click, copy and then paste that structure into the view's ranges property that you have just created.
  • Find which gauge is at the back of the Z-order. This one will display the axis and numbers. The other two will have them hidden. To hide the range color bands on the top two gauges set,
    outerAxis.ranges.0.color : #00000000.
    The last two hex digits are the opacity and 00 sets it to transparent.
  • On the bottom gauge outerAxis.ranges create a property binding to the view's ranges.
  • Bind each of the gauges' value properties to one of the gaugeValue0, gaugeValue1 or gaugeValue2.
  • Modify each gauge's outerAxis.needle.color property to suit.
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thank you I have got it.

Hit the "Solution" link on the post which answered your question. This marks it solved in the main index as well. Thanks.

Nothing against @Transistor's solution, it defiantly works. However, if you end up needing to have multiple of these "gauge stacks" on a view your performance can drop dramatically. In that case the better solution is to use an SVG solution.

This was for a simple gauge, but could be modified to produce multiple needles as well.


That's a valid objection! :smiling_face_with_tear: