Thanks for all the replies. This is what I have come up with so far that seems to work for our needs. Once the feature request for checking installed version of the Vision Client Launcher I can add a branch to install a newer version of the Vision Client Launcher.
We have group policy setup to push out a shortcut to everyone desktop that point to this batch file below. When they run the batch file it will check to see if a current user install of the Vision Client Launcher exists and if not it will install it silently then launches given shared version of the json config. If the launcher is already installed it launches with the shared json config file.
Lastly, it seemed confusing to have another shortcut on the desktop that launches a plain version of the launcher with no configuration. So I have code to look if there is a desktop shortcut and deletes it. If my other post about suppressing the shortcut during silent install goes anywhere I can change this piece.
set jsonConfig="\\NetworkShareToJsonConfig\vision-client-launcher.json"
set singleUserExe="%appdata%\Inductive Automation\Vision Client Launcher\visionclientlauncher.exe"
set visionClientLink="Vision Client Launcher.lnk"
if exist %singleUserExe% (
%singleUserExe% config.json=%jsonConfig%
) else (
ECHO Installing Vision Client Launcher...
"\\NetworkPathToInstaller\VisionClientLauncherSetup.exe" /CURRENTUSER /VERYSILENT
%singleUserExe% config.json=%jsonConfig%
FOR /F "usebackq" %%f IN (`PowerShell -NoProfile -Command "Write-Host([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop'))"`) DO (
if exist %DESKTOP_FOLDER%\%visionClientLink% (
DEL %DESKTOP_FOLDER%\%visionClientLink%