How to display camera feed ignition

Hi everyone,

How can I display the camera feed from my own laptop in vision by using the IP camera viewer component? Is third-party software required for this? Or is there some other approach? I would like to create facial recognition software by using the OpenCV python library.


Recognition should happen outside Ignition since the mentioned libraries are not available nor compatible.
Maybe connecting the cam to VLC player or server would be a good first step to take and a .py, Ignition executed to perform your task.

I have a module that can help you, as long as you install OpenCV and FFmpeg yourself on the client machine:

While most commonly used to retransmit RTSP networked webcams in a Vision-friendly format, the implementation also attempts to load OpenCV's java library into Ignition's scripting environment, and this works in Vision Clients, too.

If you go that route, I'd recommend displaying frames with the Paintable Canvas.

(Note that while the jython wrappers look like the python OpenCV bindings, they are really the java bindings. Numpy is not part of the kit.)

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