When interrogating the properties (CommonAlarmProperties) of an alarm event (PyAlarmEvent) object, as returned from system.alarm.queryStatus() I have noticed that the getDescription() method returns a LocalizedString object that has a readable description for some (most) properties while others return ¿enums.CommonAlarmProperties.ackTime.Desc?
Similar anomalies for getDisplayName().
Does this represent a a lack of completion by Ignition developers or a lack of understanding on my part. Is there a way to dynamically get valid descriptions
and display names for all alarm event properties?
I'm aiming to dynamically discover all available alarm event properties, with their display names and descriptions. I was aiming to do this dynamically rather than hardcode it to make it somewhat future proof (say IA adds more properties or revises descriptions in the future).
Example code:
alarms = system.alarm.queryStatus()
if len(alarms):
event = alarms[0]
for prop in event.getProperties():
print "{:19s} ({:26s}): {}".format(prop.getName(), prop.getDisplayName(),prop.getDescription())
print "Alarm Event Object:", type(event)
print "Alarm Event Property object:", type(prop)
print "Alarm Event Property Description object:", type(prop.getDescription())
print "Query returned no alarms"
Example Results:
notes (Notes ): Documentation about the alarm.
itemPath (Item Path ): The path of the item holding the alarm, not including the alarm name.
activeDuration (Active Duration ): The elapsed time between the alarm becoming active and being cleared, as a formatted string. Calculated against the current time if the alarm is still active.
timeOnDelaySeconds (Active delay (seconds) ): The time, in seconds, before the alarm will be considered truly active after the active condition becomes true. Also known as a "rising edge time deadband".
shelvingAllowed (Shelving Allowed ): Whether or not this alarm can be shelved.
isActive (Active? ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.isActive.Desc?
eventTime (Event Time ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.eventTime.Desc?
source (Source Path ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.source.Desc?
ackUserName (Ack'ed By (Name) ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.ackUserName.Desc?
enabled (Enabled ): Specifies whether or not this alarm is evaluated by the system.
isAcked (Acked? ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.isAcked.Desc?
mode (Mode ): None
ackTime (Ack Time ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.ackTime.Desc?
ackUser (Ack'ed By ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.ackUser.Desc?
clearTime (Clear Time ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.clearTime.Desc?
deadband (Deadband ): A numeric deadband for the alarm condition. The interpretation of this value depends on the deadband mode. Note that this deadband is separate from, and evaluated after, the tag's deadband.
timeOffDelaySeconds (Clear delay (seconds) ): The time, in seconds, before the alarm will be considered truly clear after the clear condition becomes true. Also known as a "falling edge time deadband".
state (Current State ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.state.Desc?
displayPath (Display Path ): An optional path (separated by "/") that will be used for display and browsing purposes.
displayPathOrSource (Display Path or Source ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.displayPathOrSource.Desc?
liveBranchCount (�enums.CommonAlarmProperties.liveBranchCount?): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.liveBranchCount.Desc?
fullItemPath (Full Item Path ): The full path of the item holding the alarm, not including the alarm name. An easier to read version of Source Path.
itemName (Item Name ): The name of the item holding the alarm.
label (Label ): An optional name that will be used for display purposes. Provides a dynamic alternative to the static "name" identifier. If left blank, the name will be used.
priority (Priority ): The priority (or "severity") of this alarm.
ackNotesReqd (Ack Notes Required ): Select this option to require operators to provide some explanation when the alarm is acknowledged.
timestampSource (Timestamp Source ): Dictates whether the timestamp used on the alarm comes from the system or the value.
ackMode (Ack Mode ): How acknowledgement works for the alarm: Auto - Alarm is acknowledged when cleared. Manual - Alarm acknowledged by user. Off - Alarm is always marked as 'acknowledged'.
eventValue (Event Value ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.eventValue.Desc?
isShelved (Is Shelved? ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.isShelved.Desc?
ackDuration (Unacknowledged Duration ): The elapsed time between the alarm becoming active and being acknowledged, as a formatted string.
activeTime (Active Time ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.activeTime.Desc?
isClear (Clear? ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.isClear.Desc?
eventState (Event State ): �enums.CommonAlarmProperties.eventState.Desc?
name (Name ): The identifier of the alarm. Combined with the location of the alarm, this will be the unique id of the alarm definition. For dynamic values, use Label and/or Display Path.
deadbandMode (Deadband Mode ): Defines how the deadband value is used. If percent, the value (0-100) will be compared against the Eng. limits defined for the value.
Alarm Event Object: <type 'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.alarming.PyAlarmEvent'>
Alarm Event Property object: <type 'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.alarming.config.CommonAlarmProperties'>
Alarm Event Property Description object: <type 'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.i18n.LocalizedString'>
Ignition v8.1.41