How to get system display resolution in perspective

I'm getting my system display resolution from vision but not in perspective as it is returning some different resolution ..
system display resolution is : 1366 * 768
Vision o/p: 1366 * 768
Perspective o/p: 1024*768

below code worked in vision but giving different values when used in perspective.. please help

width = gd.getDisplayMode().getWidth()
height = gd.getDisplayMode().getHeight()
print('width',width,' height',height)
window.setSize(int(round(width*0.25)), int(round(height*0.65)))

I can't see how this would be working at all I Perspective since this library (gui) is for Vision only. In Perspective you can just read the various page props. If you add a property binding on the view, expand the 'page' root prop


expanded page prop but its width is 0 returning in expression binding o/p

The values don't update in the designer because it doesn't have any concept of a page. Try to put this binding on a label and opening it in a browser, you should see values update there.

'Viewport Width: ' + {page.props.dimensions.viewport.width} + ' Height: ' + {page.props.dimensions.viewport.height}

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