How to Handle When One Cell In A Line Should Not be Used When Producing a Part?

Ignition Version: 7.9.20
Sepasoft OEE Downtime Version: 3.79.3

I am trying to setup the sepasoft OEE module and need to handle the following scenario: We have one line, Line 1, and 3 cells, Cell 1, Cell 2, and Cell 3. For some part numbers produced on the line, we need all 3 cells while for others we only need Cell 1 and Cell 3, but we don't want Cell 2 to impact OEE negatively or muddy reports with downtime info when its state does not matter for these part numbers.

Is there a built-in way to maybe change Cell 2 into Disable mode when certain part numbers are being built?

If not, is there a recommended way of handling this from sepasoft people? Should i just try running some sort of tag change event script and automatically set the equipment mode to Disable or Production for Cell 2?

Materials are assigned at the line level so it will assume all cells are used - I doubt there would be an inbuilt way to disable one. A script is likely your best bet.

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Thanks for the reply, Amy!

Ok, I will do that.

I thought I had read something at some point on how sepasoft supported this use-case, but i must have hallucinated it.

This may be what you are remembering. You can disable that cell for specific material by setting its Production Mode to Disabled in the Material Manager
Material Routing

There it is! Thank you. You just saved me a bunch of headaches.