How to hide the global navbar in perspective

I’m fairly new to ignition and I’m trying to create a view that doesn’t have the global navbar so that employees can’t navigate to other views and change settings. Is there an easy way to do this or would my best option be to remove it as a shared setting and implement it to each view individually

What “nav bar?” Are you referring to a docked view?

Do you want it to appear on other views, but not this one?
How would you navigate to the other views?

We have one to navigate to other views that is a shared setting attached to every view. We’re trying to display the same information to employees that we have on one view but do not want them to have access to change out of that view. I think the easiest option would be to just assign a variable to the shared setting and make it hidden for this view only if that’s possible. Sorry if this is hard to follow but I just started looking at this system today

If you make the shared navigation menu hidden from one view, how would you ever navigate out of that view?

You may want to look into users and roles (via identity provider) to show/hide the docked view based on permissions.

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We don’t want them to. We have multiple hidden views that can only be accessed if you know the url. We’re having an issue with people changing equipment settings through ignition that aren’t supposed to and we don’t use user accounts currently so we’re trying to eliminate their ability to navigate away from exactly what we want them to see

If that’s the case, then yes, I’d say making a bool variable on the docked view to hide the navigation buttons should work. Bind this to a session prop and change the session prop based on the view.

Edit: While this would work, I would still recommend investing the time to implement user management.

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That is very unsecure if its important they cant have access you should use accounts…

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This is called "security by obscurity" and is such a terrible practice that nobody in their right mind should be helping you implement it. Especially true on a web platform where you can't control the user's browser history.

Establish user accounts and security for the pages and views that need it. Perspective allows unauthenticated access if you don't specify secuity, which seems appropriate for the view in question.


I'm aware none of this is best practice, we're doing what we can temporarily to avoid more issues while we fix the problem as a whole.