How to make a main window locked until completion?

I have a main window that is going to pop automatically/if manually triggered that stops the line and requires a validation check of a case off the line.

I want to make it so this window is not closable until the check is completed, or aborted with a reason. I have two buttons - SUBMIT that is enabled when the check is done and compelted, and ABORT that is always available (though it requires a supervisors login).

Is there a built in way to make it so the User cannot just click on another side navigation tab to get out of this? My only thought was creating a tag that is ON when this window is open, and making the navigation buttons bound to this tag to disable them when the window is open. Is there another, better way?

We also have such a case, and what we do is opening or closing the navigation window, and opening the popup in full screen. So it’s the only thing visible.

Here there’s a (cleaned) version of the script we use to close and open the side bar, with checks to recover from edge cases (f.e. losing connection while opening the popup)


windows = system.gui.getOpenedWindows()
dockPath = "Navigation/Docked Window"
for window in windows:
    path = window.getPath()
    if path == dockPath:


windows = system.gui.getOpenedWindows()
found = False
dockPath = "Navigation/Docked Window"
for window in windows:
    path = window.getPath()
    if path == dockPath:
        found = True

if not found:
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