How to pass multiple datatset in template repeater parameters

I have one template having scheduler in it. Template/Scheduler needs 4 dataset and 3 string values, how should I pass 4 dataset in template repeater parameters.
Please help me out regarding same.

I don’t believe a dataset can be passed in as a parameter to a template repeater. While you can use datasets for parameters in templates, I personally don’t think they fit well when using a repeater. With the parameters I would expect to be using them as a value for control or for indirect tagging. If your datasets are stored in tags you can use indirect tagging to pull the dataset’s into your template based on the parameters. If its a query you should be able to use this value in your queries on the templates. If the changes needed aren’t sequential then I would look at using the template canvas so you can type in an individual parameter for each instance instead of needing them to be sequential.

Thanks for reply , But In this case It is not possible to store dataset into tags because i am having 7 scheduler and each scheduler having 4 dataset,so for that 28 tags needs to create.
IN template canvas, i dont think there is an option to pass dataset as a parameter.

If the datasets aren’t in tags, then I’m assuming your getting the data from a database. Is there something in your query that can be set using a parameter and then do the query from a property inside of your template?

You can serialize the dataset to Json or csv string to pass value to template and then deserialize json string or csv to dataset.

You can definitely pass a dataset in as a parameter to a template. I’m doing this using a Template Repeater and charting.

The limitation I found is that there is not a way to pass multiple datasets in the index field. Depending on how disparate your data is, my workaround might work for you. Through scripting (on a button click in my case) I combined all of my data that was required for each template into a single dataset on the main page, and then passed that ‘super set’ of data into the template. Inside of the template, I created a table component with visibility off and mapped it to the passed-in dataset, and then used the propertyChange event on the table to split my ‘super set’ into the appropriate datasets that I needed for my template content.

Here is the propertyChange script on the hidden table in the template; note that my passed-in dataset is event.source.parent.downtimeSummary, and you can fully manipulate however necessary in the script; here I just needed to create two different datasets for my pareto chart (variables categoryDataset and paretoDataset), which I then assign to internal parameters of the template.

if(event.propertyName == 'data'):
	sourceData = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(event.source.parent.downtimeSummary)
	categoryHeader = ['Reason Code','Duration']
	categoryData = []
	paretoHeader = ['Reason Code','Pareto']
	paretoData = []
	paretoTotal = 0
	equipmentName = ''
	for row in sourceData:
		equipmentName = row["equipmentName"]
		reasonCode = row["reasonCode"]
		duration = row["Event_Duration_Minutes"]
		paretoTotal = paretoTotal + float(row["pareto_pct"])
	categoryDataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(categoryHeader,categoryData)
	paretoDataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(paretoHeader,paretoData)
	event.source.parent.equipmentName = equipmentName
	event.source.parent.categorySummary = categoryDataset
	event.source.parent.paretoSummary = paretoDataset