How to properly import the KPI Framework

Hi guys

I found the KPI Framework (Ignition Exchange | Inductive Automation) on Ignition Exchange and want to figure out how it works, however when I import the project, nothing seems to be imported.

So I found some interesting behaviour when trying to import it directly in the designer. When I import this project, there are only a Com and an Ignition folder in the import window.

Granted there are Views in the Com folder

When I try to import it for a second time, it tells me that it's path is Unknown - views/KPIFramework/Add KPI

I really have no idea where the Unknown bit comes from but I am reasonably sure tha's what's causing the project to be unviewable in the designer.

So how can I resolve this? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Did you follow the installation instructions?

Yes all the way till step 5 which it asks you to launch the project. There are no project in the session laucher to launch after importing the project.

Ah I see what's wrong, @rcrownover (Edit: or IA) added a sub-folder underneath the project zip where there shouldn't be any:

Just need to unzip this and re-zip up the files and folders within this folder, e.g. (213.7 KB)

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that works. Thank you so much

More likely, the exchange guys did it. Seems to be a common theme.