Hi, I'm trying to read energy registers from a CM3000 on Modbus TCP/IP, can ignition read Mod10 type registers?
Never heard of Mod10. Details? (Link to spec/manual?)
Sounds like Schneider meter. I would try e.g. 1.HRF1700 in a manually created modbus tag.
If float, its 64-bit, so 1.HRD1700
. Possibly also need zero-based addressing.
If Schneider, this is probably it:
You'll need to perform those calculations yourself. Neither IA's native driver nor my alternate driver support this data type.
(Wouldn't be difficult--perhaps I will add this to my driver.)
If it's the Mod10 format Phil linked you could probably just build a UDT containing the 4 component tags and 1 calculated expression tag.
Yes, simplest. If one ever needed to write this format, driver support would be a big help. (I'll have it in another 30 minutes or so. Nerd sniped.)
OK. That was easy. Lightly tested beta:
For Ignition v8.1: v1.1.12.250081649
Adds three address modifiers, "MI" for Mod10 size 2, "M" for Mod10 size 3, and "ML" for Mod10 size 4. Not yet in the user manual.
For the OP, the OPC Item Path would likely be [device]1.HRML1700
Gateway/src/com/automation_pros/modbus/address/ModbusAddress.java | 8 ++++++-
Gateway/src/com/automation_pros/modbus/address/ModbusNumericAddress.java | 4 ++++
Gateway/src/com/automation_pros/modbus/driver/GenericModbusDriver.java | 4 ++++
Gateway/src/com/automation_pros/modbus/handlers/Mod10Handler.java | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Edit: The beta has been replaced with a new formal release, with this data type's OPC Item Path format now documented.