How to render any column key as barcode in report table?

I am trying to render a column in report table as barcode but not able to do that.
I am using a tag dataset as data source for a report and I want one column to render as barcode in report.
As I researched, barcode font needs to be installed separately in ignition directory and then use that font from dropdown instead of default font for column key.
But I am sure it is the best way.
Is there any other way to achieve that? Please help.

I would suggest you render the column as a view, an using an embedded view with the barcode component in. Just pass the relevant info to the embedded view.

Hello @deon.korb I think you are talking about the normal table we use on any view. But here I am using table in report. I think we cannot use embedded view in report.
In below table, I want to render marked column as barcode.

I only saw the Perspective tag, did not notice the report table in the text.. The reporting module screenshot would have been handy in the first post.

I don't know anything about the reporting module, sorry

{ I fixed up the tags. This really isn't a Perspective question. }

Update the row so that it's no longer using structured columns, drag it down to make it a bit larger, and embed a barcode component inside it. Then drag your data key onto the barcode.


I am sorry @pturmel and @deon.korb I wrongly selected the tag. Thank you for correcting.

Thank you @PGriffith. That worked as expected.

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