When I use DateTimeInput , edit of EndTime, How to set it None?
I have to add a button , set value=None.
Is there any other function or property by it self?
When I use DateTimeInput , edit of EndTime, How to set it None?
I have to add a button , set value=None.
Is there any other function or property by it self?
self.getSibling("DateTimeInput").props.value = None
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Thank you!
I want to know is there other idea in [DateTimeInput],
not need to add a button?
The sensible thing to do is clear the date on view startup.
You could also clear the date after the user presses the Submit button.
I already read endDT from mysql.
This window is Edit .
I want to clear this EndDate.
But I find no way to clear this EndDate by it self.
So I need to add a button to clear.
In the Submit button I can't know the customer's clear or change demand.
My Question is there other way to clear this EndDate by it self, not add a button?
So, you want the Edit form to open with EndDate = None?
set EndDate =None or edit it to the Selected Date.
Can you modify your SQL to return the None?
NULL AS EndTime,
Let customer edit it.
Not read it from Mysql.
Sorry, I don't understand what the user is supposed to see or do.
Just use a button.