How to set DateTimeInput None?

When I use DateTimeInput , edit of EndTime, How to set it None?
I have to add a button , set value=None.


Is there any other function or property by it self?

  1. Configure Events ... on the button. (You know this.)
  2. Use onActionPerformed instead of onClick. onClick events always fire - even if the button is disabled. onActionPerformed events only fire if the button is enabled.
  3. Script. (You know this.)
  4. Use the Browse Properties button to find the path to the date picker.
  5. The chosen path.

self.getSibling("DateTimeInput").props.value = None

You can also use Component Message Handlers | Ignition User Manual if the path is complicated. It avoids all the getSibling / getChild path complexity.

Thank you!
I want to know is there other idea in [DateTimeInput],
not need to add a button?

The sensible thing to do is clear the date on view startup.
You could also clear the date after the user presses the Submit button.

I already read endDT from mysql.
This window is Edit .
I want to clear this EndDate.
But I find no way to clear this EndDate by it self.
So I need to add a button to clear.
In the Submit button I can't know the customer's clear or change demand.
My Question is there other way to clear this EndDate by it self, not add a button?

So, you want the Edit form to open with EndDate = None?

set EndDate =None or edit it to the Selected Date.

Can you modify your SQL to return the None?

    NULL AS EndTime,

Let customer edit it.
Not read it from Mysql.

Sorry, I don't understand what the user is supposed to see or do.

Just use a button.