How to translate fixed size or packet based data coming from tcp driver

has anyone seen similar values coming from a tcp driver?
I am hooked into a scale with print type TPU P (only other option is LP50)

This is what we are receiving.

Do you have documentation or a user manual for this printer that explains the data format?

The TCP driver is meant to connect to simple devices that spit back regular ASCII-based, character-delimited or fixed length data.

Doesnt seem very helpful

BW/BWS series

I don't get anything when set to Character.
Fixed and Packet based return the same garbage no matter what size I set it to.

I think you would need to have the scale in the "Con1" output mode and then use character delimiter of "\r\n".

The other formats look like they produce binary data. It's going to show as "garbage" when interpreted as a string.

P 1 com - mode - cont
- baud - 9600
- pr - 8n1
- ptype - tpu p
Those are the only options
No options for the continuous output protocol