Hi there,
I have a table that gets data from SQL query. But instead of polling evey X second, I want to run the query on reqest. Like when page is loaded, and when i add data using the form below the table. How can this be accieved? Thanks
Any other tips and tricks for how to make this user friendly is vey appreciated.
Screen shot of table and how users can add/update data.
The standard procedure is:
- Create the SQL binding on the table's
- On load the binding will be automatically refreshed and the table will update.
- Your Oppdater button will insert or update the database by script - probably using an onActionPerformed1 event.
- At the end of the script you should use a message handler.
system.perspective.sendMessage("updateTableDatasource", payload = {}, scope = "view")
- On the Table component, right-click | Configure Scripts | Message Handlers | + Add Handler. Set up as shown below.
1 onClick will be triggered even if the button is not enabled.
onActionPerformed event will not occur if the button is not enabled.
Nice elegant form design!
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Thank you so much! That worked so damn smooth
Hi, I just ran into another problem regarding this. I wanted to display a popup in order to confirm before deleting from the table, so I made this little popup:
When pressing "Ja", this script is run:
def runAction(self, event):
parameters = {
system.db.runNamedQuery("Todo/Todo_Delete", parameters)
system.perspective.sendMessage("refresh_todo", payload = {}, scope = "view")
The script delete the row, and closes the popup, but wont refresh the table. Any ideas? This "refresh_todo" works when its not used in a popup, so I guess something needs to be done in order to pass it to the table or something...
Hmm..., should any parameters be passed to the message handler on the table?
Yes, I tried, and problem is the same
A popup is its own view, so scope="view" certainly won't work. Use page scope.
Yes, and I messed up on the earlier post. The parameters were to go to the named query, not the sendMessage. I'll delete that post.
I'm glad you got it working.
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