How to upload data to influxDB database?


For sequential databases, how should ignition establish a connection with them? Is it intended to provide real-time data to dashboard, or is it recommended to use ignition's HMI function directly?

Hi riklionline,

It looks like there is no JDBC driver, so the only way to interact with influxdb is to use REST API calls. So things like historian/ transaction groups would not work. Another way of interacting with InfluxDB would be to use the Kymera Module for the InfluxDB and you can find more information here.

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Thank you for your reply. I already understand. If I use the "historian" module and the mysql database, can I also alleviate the database performance problem to some extent? :grinning:

By not using MySQL. Use a more professional and scalable platform, usually on its own server. If it must be free, I recommend PostgreSQL (properly tuned).

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Hi Munkhbat,

Is there any new update on the jdbc driver for influxDB?