HTTP get - send body text

Hi All

I've written a short script that pulls data from a web server. This works fine but I would like to send some arguments in the body of the HTTP command so that I can filter the results.

The documentation from the web server:

Body - Array of tag names. When not set returns the value of all tags in the scene.


GET /api/tag/values/by-name
Content-Type: application/json

"At left entry",
"Left conveyor",
"Name of non-existing tag",
"Left count",

My current script returns the data for all tags and is as follows:

#The command - see manual. Note, remove "GET"
command = "/api/tag/values/by-name"
#Build the url
url = "" %(command)
#Send the command
response =
#Decode the response
respjson = system.util.jsonDecode(response)
#Print the response on the screen. This is an array of dict.
print respjson
#Print the first array element.
print respjson[0]

Please can someone help me to include the tag names as arguments? The manual seems to say that I need to add these in the form of a dictionary. I have tried this but all attempts have failed.

Best regards.

GET requests, by definition, do not have a body - you can only pass parameters via URL parameters.
It’s a short snippet of manual, but I’m guessing you call /api/tag/values/by-name with GET and get a list of all possible values - and then you can likely PUT, PATCH, or POST new values into that list.

As an aside, for all 8.0+ HTTP interactions I highly recommend switching to It’s faster, more ergonomic to use from scripting, and has a bunch of builtin features that aren’t possible via For instance, your call to httpGet followed by jsonDecode can be handled in one line:
response =
And if you instantiate the httpClient() separately and reuse it, you can take advantage of HTTP connection pooling automatically.

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Thanks and sorry for the slow reply. I used with great results. After spending ages importing third party libraries, this is great. For anyone who is interested, my new code is as follows. This allows me to send a header and parameters. I can use it to read and write data. Thanks again.

#The command - see manual. Note, remove "GET"
command = "/api/tag/values/by-name"
#Build the url
url = "" %(command)
#Declare a client
client =
#Send the request	
response = client.put(url, {'Content-Type': 'application/json',}, '[{"name":"Run","value":true}]')
#Print the response
print response.json
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