Httpget, jsonDecode and special characters


Fighting with special characters, maybe someone can shed me some light and help me out.

Trying some APIs to get work orders from an externel software, and all looks good when trying API on Postman.

I expect results to look something like this:

I created a method to retried the same information:

def getWorks(code):
	#obter o token
	baseUrl = ""
	access_token = manwinwin.helper.getToken(baseUrl)
	#obter a lista das ordens de trabalho para o equipamento
	filterDict = {"State":['Scheduled','InProgress','NotPerformed'],"Item":code}
	filter = system.util.jsonEncode(filterDict)
	headerValues = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token, "Accept": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
	details = + "Works?Filter="+filter,headerValues=headerValues)
	print details
	detailsJSON = system.util.jsonDecode(details)
	return detailsJSON

What I get is:

I tried a few encode and decode but never got a satisfatory result.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

What version of Ignition are you using? is faster, more ergonomic, and significantly smarter in every way than the single-purpose httpX functions.

Version: 8.1.17 (b2022051210)

I’ll take a look at httpclient.

Would be something like this:

def getWorks(code):
	#obter o token
	baseUrl = ""
	access_token = manwinwin.helper.getToken(baseUrl)
	#obter a lista das ordens de trabalho para o equipamento
	filterDict = {"State":['Scheduled','InProgress','NotPerformed'],"Item":code}
	headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token}
	client =
	params = {"Filter": system.util.jsonEncode(filterDict)}
	response = client.get(baseUrl + "Works", params=params, headers=headers)
	print response
	return response.json
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Thank you very much. I can now map the result with everything looking perfect.

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