I cannot open pages in Perspective sometimes

I have to close the Designer and open it again in order to open pages in perspective and here the error I get
I'm using the latest version 8.1.40 (b2024051410) of Ignition and Designer v1.1.40 .

00:38:48.870 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO Perspective.Designer.Workspace -- Launching view with DesignerPageParams 'Airport', tab id 'Page/Arrival 2', using base url http://localhost:8088/data/perspective/design
00:38:48.935 [Browser Thread: 440a1acb-7d74-4d89-ba86-c1f466a4b6d6] INFO Perspective.Designer.Workspace -- Slow network is detected. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5636954674692096 for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading: http://localhost:8088/data/perspective/fonts/noto-sans-v8-latin-regular.ttf
00:38:49.168 [Browser Thread: 440a1acb-7d74-4d89-ba86-c1f466a4b6d6] INFO Perspective.Designer.Workspace -- Slow network is detected. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5636954674692096 for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading: http://localhost:8088/data/perspective/fonts/noto-sans-v8-latin-700.ttf
00:38:49.202 [Browser Thread: 440a1acb-7d74-4d89-ba86-c1f466a4b6d6] ERROR Perspective.Designer.Workspace -- level: LEVEL_ERROR
message: "TypeError: Cannot destructure property \'width\' of \'this.rootViewDefaultSize\' as it is undefined."
line_number: 121
source: "http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/react-dom-18.2.0.js"

00:38:49.202 [Browser Thread: 440a1acb-7d74-4d89-ba86-c1f466a4b6d6] ERROR Perspective.Designer.Workspace -- level: LEVEL_ERROR
message: "onerrorLogger: {\"stack\":\"TypeError: Cannot destructure property \'width\' of \'this.rootViewDefaultSize\' as it is undefined.\\n    at get selectionDimensionsClientBoundingRect (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/PerspectiveDesigner.1ea4fc945c965fd69d63.js:2:250719)\\n    at oe (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/mobx-5.15.7.js:15:5475)\\n    at t.computeValue (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/mobx-5.15.7.js:15:11912)\\n    at t.trackAndCompute (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/mobx-5.15.7.js:15:11738)\\n    at t.get (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/mobx-5.15.7.js:15:10670)\\n    at e.read (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/mobx-5.15.7.js:15:39612)\\n    at b.get (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/mobx-5.15.7.js:15:41065)\\n    at get selectionDimensions (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/PerspectiveDesigner.1ea4fc945c965fd69d63.js:2:251204)\\n    at oe (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/mobx-5.15.7.js:15:5475)\\n    at t.computeValue (http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/mobx-5.15.7.js:15:11912)\",\"message\":\"Cannot destructure property \'width\' of \'this.rootViewDefaultSize\' as it is undefined.\",\"name\":\"TypeError\",\"logData\":{\"msg\":\"Uncaught Exception\",\"errorMsg\":\"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot destructure property \'width\' of \'this.rootViewDefaultSize\' as it is undefined.\",\"url\":\"http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/react-dom-18.2.0.js\",\"line number\":198,\"column\":64}}"
line_number: 2
source: "http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/PerspectiveClient.4c66478bafda3caeebe1.js"

00:38:49.202 [Browser Thread: 440a1acb-7d74-4d89-ba86-c1f466a4b6d6] ERROR Perspective.Designer.Workspace -- level: LEVEL_ERROR
message: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot destructure property \'width\' of \'this.rootViewDefaultSize\' as it is undefined."
line_number: 198
source: "http://localhost:8088/res/perspective/js/react-dom-18.2.0.js"


Please edit your post to specify the exact version rather than 'latest version' as this will help people who come across this thread later down the track. Do you mean 8.1.40 or the 8.1.41 emergency release?

Looks like this.rootViewDefaultSize.width is undefined

Technical note: you're opening a view, not a page.

I have included the version of both Igntion and the Designer.

Yes the view

Upgrade to 8.1.41. 8.1.40 was pulled as seen here
Ignition 8.1.41 (Emergency Release) is available for download - Ignition - Inductive Automation Forum

Well the emergency release was for VoIP, so not your issue here.

For more details. I have an embeded component which uses a template of an svg. The component have two parameters: width and height which are binded to the position width and height to make it easier to resize since the svg is a vector. But I don't see this could be the issue !

Okay. I will upgrade to 8.1.41 and see if it solves the issue.

Thanks :slight_smile:

It probably won't seeing as I didn't originally know it was for a VoIP issue.

Well, It doesn't say much. Do you have any idea where to look at ?

Yeah. It seems a React issue but I don't have much info to debug it or to know exactly what causes the view to crash and not to open. it only opens if I close the Designer and reopen it again but I won't solve the problem forever

Post your Binding configuration.

So the template has two paramters width and height and the svg position width and height are binded to those params as follows
width: view.params.width
height: view.params.height

BTW, I start to get this issue in version 8.1.33 which I tried with an old project that is done in version 8.1.12.

Where are you using this this.rootViewDefaultSize.width? Maybe post your view JSON

I don't have this.rootViewDefaultSize.width in json files I looked inside all of the json files

Hmm, yeah that makes sense as the error messages show them coming from Javascript files not the project itself. I'm not sure where to go from here. Maybe remove the bindings, save, then recreate them?

I rolled back to version 8.1.12 and the Designer 1.1.12 and it works. I don't know It seems the newer version has issues with views in the Designer. I guess there is something wrong with React as I shared the log above..I won't to rollback to the previous version because I'm missing alot of features in the newer version but I'll finish the job then update it to the newer one. I think that's the only way around for now.

I started this project with version 8.1.33

I would get in touch with support. You can provide a gateway backup/logs and they will be able to get to the bottom of it.

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