I need help understanding the Security Level interaction with Tag Provider

Hello. I'm trying to set up nested Security Levels for managing who can use, change and create new tags in the Designer.

I've setup my security levels like this:

Then, I have set up my TagProvider to use said Security levels for defining who can interact with the tags, as in the following screenshot:

When I do a Test Login, my user already has those Security Levels granted, as it's shown in the following screen:

Nevertheless, when I start a Designer session with the specified users, I can't even see the tags created in the tag provider, nor create new tags.

In the other hand, if I use roles instead of Security Levels, everything works alright.

I set up the roles like this:

Tag Read Permissions: Authenticated/Roles/Monitor
Tag Write Permissions: Authenticated/Roles/Operator
Tag Editing Permissions: Authenticated/Roles/TagCreator

With this I can see and add new tags with no issue.

I thought that I could simplify it by doing the Security Zone mapping instead of adding all the subsequent roles to the users. I was planning using the nested Zones as in the second picture to make the deepest security zone inherit all of the other permissions.

When using roles instead, I need to add all three roles to my PLCUser_TagCreator user.

Is there anything wrong in my expression or setup? Thanks in advance for the feedback.

I'm now 100% sure that the expression for my custom Security Level is not working. Am I missing something in the syntaxis?

I Found the answer! I'm leaving this so it hopefully helps anyone else.

This was the part doing the trick:

So it happens that I had my settings in Security General to use the Classic Authentication Strategy, and the Security Levels exists only in a Identity Provider Level. That's why no matter how I would set up my security levels, as I was not using my identity provider when logging in to mi designer, I could not access my tags.

So, I solved it by switching to use the identity provider login under "Security > General" in the Gateway.