Hello. I'm trying to set up nested Security Levels for managing who can use, change and create new tags in the Designer.
I've setup my security levels like this:
Then, I have set up my TagProvider to use said Security levels for defining who can interact with the tags, as in the following screenshot:
When I do a Test Login, my user already has those Security Levels granted, as it's shown in the following screen:
Nevertheless, when I start a Designer session with the specified users, I can't even see the tags created in the tag provider, nor create new tags.
In the other hand, if I use roles instead of Security Levels, everything works alright.
I set up the roles like this:
Tag Read Permissions: Authenticated/Roles/Monitor
Tag Write Permissions: Authenticated/Roles/Operator
Tag Editing Permissions: Authenticated/Roles/TagCreator
With this I can see and add new tags with no issue.
I thought that I could simplify it by doing the Security Zone mapping instead of adding all the subsequent roles to the users. I was planning using the nested Zones as in the second picture to make the deepest security zone inherit all of the other permissions.
When using roles instead, I need to add all three roles to my PLCUser_TagCreator user.
Is there anything wrong in my expression or setup? Thanks in advance for the feedback.