I need to know about the Ignition core certification exam and also about exam method and What are the common mistakes that lead to failure in the Ignition Core Certification Test? Can we resubmit if needed?

Can someone provide insights into the format of the Ignition Core Certification Test? Is it project-based, and how is it evaluated? and also What are the best study resources to prepare for the Ignition Core Certification? Does Inductive Automation provide sample projects or practice tests?

I believe everything you need to know is here: https://training.inductiveautomation.com/

You get one shot at it. I believe there's multiple sections and once you start a section you have to finish that section without stopping. If you fail any section you fail the entire exam and have to pay to take another test.

I saw that , But i need to know how can i see a demo test look like and where can i find it?

It's all on that site.

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