ICC 2023 - Education Hours (PDH, CEU, etc.)

For attending conferences/events/presentations like what will happen at ICC it is common to be able to get something like PDH and/or CEU hours. Generally I have seen this take the form of receiving a simple certificate with hours for each presentation with the person's name or an email or something similar. Will is be available for ICC 2023? Specifically will it be available for each of the ways of attending? Namely:

  1. In Person
  2. Live Stream
  3. On Demand Stream

The PDH hours are very useful for meeting requirements for continuing education for things like PE requirements. In this case I would envision many of the presentations of ICC would directly apply to education for a "Controls System" PE or something similar.

Not sure what state you're in, but for my PE license in Oregon the Oregon Administrative Rules define what can and cannot count towards PDH. It's pretty clear from these that there doesn't have to be a printed certificate that you necessarily have to get for time at conferences and other courses to count. You do have to provide other proof (receipts) that you attended though.

@brian.mcenulty, good point, it sounds similar to what is in my state. I generally use the certificates as the proof you mentioned. Other times I've used emails. Probably just a preference thing for me with using certificates.

In the case of the "On Demand Stream" it's not clear how you would be able to prove it unless there was an email or certificate provided after viewing. I suppose the "Live Stream" would still have a receipt because that does cost money.