Iginition freezes on Raspberry Pi

I recently install Ignition edge on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, I downloaded “Ignition-Edge-linux-armhf-8.1.11.zip”. I’m having a problem with the Pi getting locked up, freezing.

Using terminal I go to the ignition folder and start ingition up, I get the message that it’s running and a PID number. When I try to open Ignition in the browser “localhost:8088” sometimes it will open but most times I get a message that the gateway is not running, after a few minutes I can get a message that says the gateway is running but not always then it locks up, I have to crash the browers to get out of it or stop ignition with the terminal command. The few times it does start up eventualy it also locks up.

Seems like it’s overloading the Pi’s memory. Was this the right file to download? Will it run on this model of the Pi?


Hi John, welcome to the forums! :slight_smile:

And you would be correct.

Some things to try:

  • Limit Ignition's memory usage to 1Gb. The default is 2Gb, and that will kill the 1Gb RAM on a Pi 3.
  • Don't use the gui. Get as much usable RAM as you can.
  • Access the Edge gateway remotely. The Chromium Browser is... well... let's just say 'resource intensive'. :wink:

Thanks Jordan

How do I limit the memory usage? If I’m not using the GUI can I access it through terminal commands. How do I access it remotely? Currently I use VNC viewer but that just gets me into the Pi.

Maybe I’ll get a Pi 4, it has more memory

Thanks again

A Pi4, IMO, would be a better option.

This is set in the ignition.conf file. wrapper.java.initmemory and wrapper.java.maxmemory are the ones to look for. Likely, this is located at /usr/local/bin/ignition/data/ignition.conf

With a web browser. (http://ip.of.your.pi:8088). You wouldn't be able to run the designer on the Pi, regardless of model, so you would have to use an external connection anyway.

If you still need to do things on the pi itself, I would recommend enabling SSH and installing a file manager like Midnight Commander (apt-get install mc). You can connect using a program like PuTTY over SSH (if using Windows, I'm rather fond of SuperPutty) and even use MC to modify files if needed.

Great info.

I had the Pi 3 from a project I was no longer using, just before your reply came in I was looking at the Pi 4, I’ll get at least the 4GB version if not the 8GB. So I’ll start with that.

I also like the remote connections you’ve mentioned. My company is looking into having a data collection system looking at a number of our prodution machines. We have already received a quote from a systems integrator to set it all up. I will be the contact and the person trained to keep it all working. I was loading up the Pi to get a jump on things so I would have the basic understanding of how it all works.

Thanks for you quick responces and help. I always find the most help on these kinds of forums.

Thanks again

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You probably don’t need me to mention this, but to use 8G of memory on a Pi4 you’ll need to load a 64 bit OS. And that takes couple of extra steps to do so.

Peter, thanks for letting me know that and yes you did have to mention it as I did not know that. Some of this is new to me but learning more every day.

What are the extra steps? Is there a document with the instructions?

I ordered a Pi4 with 8GB this morning, it wasn’t much more than the 4GB so what the heck, go for it.

Thanks again

PiOs 64bit (still technically beta, but I’ve not had issues with it.)

Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi. If you are looking to use the GPIO pins a tutorial for Ubuntu is here.

Well typical engineer I read Peter’s reply to quick and missed that he was referring to the Pi’s OS, I thought he meant the Ignition download needed to be the 64 bit, if there is one.

Actually I should be, the key words there, all set with the OS. I bought one of the kits that has not only the Pi but also a case, heat sinks, power supply and a preloaded 32 GB SD card with NOOBS on it. The only thing I add is the file needed to connect to my Wifi so I can go headless.

I’ll look over those links you sent Jordan.


I’d recommend using the Raspberry Pi Imager for updating the SD card with whatever OS you want. It comes with a lot of systems by default, but the 64 bit Raspberry Pi isn’t one over them. All you need to do through is download the OS image from the RaspPi website, and then “Choose OS => Use Custom” option and point it to what you downloaded.

(But the Imager does come with 64 bit Ubuntu :man_shrugging: )

And note that for ARM there are 32 and 64 bit Ignition downloads