[IGN-2136]Perspective - reports - How can I show the Images in the Reports from the source of URL/Path?

I’m using perspective and utilizing reports in the Ignition 8,
As I have Image saved on certain location and dynamically pull the image from that path and need to show on pdf report.
(As I’ve added the path from Image management & also test for URL in the “Key” property of imageShape of report)
But I’m not getting preview in the report

No Preview:-

Please suggest on this

How can I show the Images in the Reports from the source of URL/Path ?



Does anyone have the solution for this, please ?


I think the real thing you need here is to be able to supply arbitrary binary as parameters to your report, which you could then use in images.
Unfortunately, that’s a pending feature ticket in our backlog. I’ve escalated it’s priority; I’m not aware of any good workaround for this at the moment.