[IGN-4671]Random Component Name Error in Vision Client

I may be able to try this out sometime this week. Having a similar issue to others where there are some remote connected screens that have the error come up when it cannot be recreated on standard clients launched from a dev laptop. This supposedly did not happen on 7.9.12 but is occurring after the weekend upgrade to 8.1.17

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Turns out our situation may have been slightly different from some others, but here is how it went: They have an overhead TV above each press in one section of the facility. Each TV is connected over Ethernet to a PC (1:1) that is in a nearby closet. This PC is launching the vision client. I was never able to recreate the ‘null’ component reference issue on any clients other than these.

I put the lines of code mentioned above in the client startup script, had the customer restart the client, and the errors are no longer generated. For whatever its worth, they were using CmRcViewer to remote manage, and they restarted the Vision client and then also restarted Windows entirely. Each time no errors were generated, so I would say @PGriffith 's recommendation did the trick.

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The workaround I mentioned above will automatically applied by Ignition starting in 8.1.19. Anyone on any older 8.X version should be able to apply it with a client startup script with the same end result.