I have noticed what seems to be a new bug with the DatePicker component. I know there is a known issue where the DatePicker is a day behind on the first selection but this new issue seems to be every selection I make. Has anybody else had this issue? I know I could use some scripting to manually fix this but I don't want to do that if this is an issue that is going to be fixed.
I'm seeing the same thing. Tried with 8.1.17 and 8.1.27. Both showed the same issue.
I do not see this while working with 8.1.29 (nightly), but I don't think we've done anything in this area recently to change any behaviors for that component. Do you have any bindings or change scripts present for the component? Have you seen the same behavior as you select other dates?
I tried it in a fresh view, in a sandbox project that's mostly empty. I can't see anything that would affect it.
It did so for any date I tried.
What's the time difference between your Session/Designer and the Gateway?
2 hours.
Gateway is on UTC timezone, designer on Europe/paris.
Gateway is on Central time and Session is on Eastern time so 1 hour difference.
This issue appears to be fixed today. It is selecting the current date today.
It's still very suspicious. Was it every date you selected, or was it just 10 May 2023?
It was every date. I have seen it be a day before on the first selection before but this was every date. I even tried other months and it was all still 1 day before.
It appears to be 'fixed' for me too, today...
Though I do see the behavior @Gavin_Tipker talks about: On the first selection, it selected the cell just before the one I clicked. But it DOES select it on the date picker, it's not just the value that's wrong.
Subsequent selections work just fine.
Tested only on 8.1.17, I'll try on a more recent version when I have a few minutes.
In the tests I did before, the selected cell on the picker was right and only the value was offset by -1 day.
Even though I correctly read 8.1.17, I didn't fully comprehend how long ago that release occurred. We've performed a lot of development work on the DateTime components in the last year.
We are on 8.1.25 now and I have not noticed the issue where it selects the wrong date on the first selection. I know we did an update like a month or two ago and it seems to be fixed after that. But the issue we had the other day where it kept selecting the day before was on 8.1.25.
Just tried with 8.1.27, and i still have the -1 offset.
The label on top is bound to the date picker's formatted value:
Hmmm. I'm going to recommend you reach out to our Support team as I'm not able to replicate on my end and so am unable to provide a quick workaround or diagnosis.
Oh I'm not using it. I was just confirming what @Gavin_Tipker said.
We actually do already have an open issue for this, but it was not coming up during my searches because of a discrepancy between "DateTime" (my search) and "Date Time" in the ticketing system.
Hi, I've made property binding of date and time picker to label component bidirectional.
But in label how can I change this format as same as in date &time picker component
Chowmya, this has nothing to do with this thread, "DateTime Picker is a day behind selection". It should have been asked as a new question.
Hi guys,
I'm having a similar issue, the datetime "value" seems to be one hour behind the formatedValue
any ideas?